
6 Ways Your Job is Losing You Future Earnings


Love hurts, but so does the wrong job. Not only will it leave you unsatisfied but it can actually hurt your career trajectory.

From missing out on promotions to working for a company with a bad reputation, there’s a host of ways a current role can negatively impacting future earnings.

So before you commit even more time and effort to your existing job check out these six signs it may be time to look for greener pastures.

1. You don’t believe in the mission or leaders

In a tight job market taking any job you can get makes sense, but now that the market is starting to rebound it may be time to rethink your current position, particularly if you don’t agree with the direction the company is going or you don’t respect its leaders.

“There are occasions when a new CEO or new manager comes in and the company rebrands itself,” says Jennifer Hill, author of Stop Hoping-Start Hunting.  “If it isn’t aligning with your long term career path and personal brand it can hurt you to associate with that company.”

2. The boss keeps taking credit for your hard work

No one wants to get thrown under the bus but when it’s your boss or manager who is doing it to you and stealing the credit, it could be a sign it’s time to start looking. After all not only will it breed resentment but it could prevent you from getting promoted if your manager gets all the accolades for your hard work.

3. The job is just a means to a pay check

Nobody wants to be in between jobs for too long which is why many will take a position as a “placeholder” until something better comes along, says Ben Carpenter,  author of The Bigs: The Secrets Nobody Tells Students and Young Professionals About How to Find a Great Job, Do a Great Job, Start a Business, and Live a Happy Life. While you’ll have money in the bank going that route, you’ll also be going thru the motions instead of feeling engaged and strongly invested in the job. “Those feelings will carry over into how you actually perform,” says Carpenter.  “So if you are just phoning it in, and your work is suffering because of it, you do run the risk of negatively affecting your reputation with your leaders, clients and coworkers, which can/will affect you when you seek another job.”

4. Complacency has set in

We all want to feel comfortable in our jobs but you also don’t want it to be too cushy that you don’t ever move up or leave. There’s a reason that old adage “when one door closes another opens” resonates with so many people.  One way to avoid that from happening is to plan where you want to be in your career in five, ten and twenty years, he says.

5. Your company has a bad reputation

It’s ok to work for scrappy company trying to take on the competition or the market leader, but if your employer has a really bad reputation—think Enron bad—then it can hurt your future career.  Not only will people question your character but you may not get an interview at the competitors to begin with.

6. Your role adds little to the business

You may love your job and tasks you perform but if that position isn’t one that impacts the business or is hurting your chances of moving up then you are likely in a dead end role.

What Is Job Security?

Job security means knowing that your job is safe—or “secure”—and that you won’t be cut, even if outside forces cause your employer to issue layoffs. For supervisors, offering job stability to direct reports will give their employees peace of mind knowing they have a stable paycheck, which is no small thing in these uncertain times.

Why Is Job Security Important for Employers?

Having a boss who understands the definition of job security and the implications it has on staff is critical to business success. That’s because job security isn’t just beneficial for employees—it benefits employers, as well.

Providing consistent, stable jobs to workers can help companies increase retention, attract top talent (word gets around when workers know that their employment is stable), and create a positive work environment that brings out employees’ best performance. After all, secure employees can spend less time worrying about their job stability, or stressing over how they’ll pay their bills if they get laid off, and can spend more time focusing on their work.

Job security can also improve a company’s bottom line, since turnover is costly. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, replacement costs can reach as high as 50% to 60% of an employee’s annual salary.

That said, while job security is valuable for employees and employers alike, not every worker deserves it. Job security is something that’s earned through hard work, dedication, and loyalty. Tolerating poor performance can be detrimental to your team’s success. Knowing when to let someone go is part of running a respectable organization.

How Managers Can Provide Job Stability

In many cases, it’s a manager’s responsibility to obtain job security for their employees, but some bosses drop the ball. A Gallup poll found that 52% percent of workers who voluntarily left their job said their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving.

If you’re a manager, there are a few steps you can take to provide stable jobs to your employees:

  • Find each person’s unique talents.

     A great boss taps into and leverages the instincts and skills her employees have. This, in turn, will help your employees get noticed by the company’s top brass, which can make your workers indispensable.

  • Praise employees publicly.

     This is another way to help your employees improve their visibility at the organization.

  • Advocate for your workers during tough times.

     An effective boss works fearlessly to their employees avoid layoffs.

Feel More Secure on Your Career Path

The definition of job security is universal across industries. Any company that wants to rise above the competition needs to manage its finances to make sure employees are taken care of—especially during tough economic times. Want to learn more essential lessons of the workplace? Start by creating a free profile on JobCop INDIA. As a member, you’ll get industry insights, career advice, and job search tips sent directly to your inbox so you can make smart decisions to secure your future.

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